Thursday, October 07, 2010

Rest Day

Had the chance to do a bit of sight-seeing in Delhi, went to the Presidential Palace, and Parliament building. The spectacular buildings look out onto a vista that includes India Gate in the distance and were designed by Edwin Lutyens and took some 18 years to build. This is was originally constructed for the Viceroy of India to live in during the British period and wasn't finished until 1931.

The scale, size and beauty of the buildings really are hard to convey over my little pictures.


And also a chance to catch up with Chloe ahead of the big clash with New Zealand. People often wonder what the athletes get up to during tournaments (when not training). Well, sometimes they watch TV, or movies - I don't think I'm giving too much away when I say, Chloe took the 'Mistresses' boxset of DVDs to Argentina.

And then at least one day they're forced to meet up with people like me ! 

 Above: Team England have a special area at one of the Delhi hotels for athletes to meet up with parents, friends and family.

Today, I also learnt the Hindi word for beautiful... However, I've forgotten it. :(

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